domingo, 22 de febrero de 2015



Tickets to Machu Picchu discount for foreign and domestic students 
Discount Ticket to Machu Picchu is applied only to those students with the International Student Identity Card (ISIC) force , which translated into Spanishis International Student Card , which allows you to pay only 50% of the cost of the Ticket Entry to Machu Picchu.
The ISIC card is acquired only by students of various study centers, such as : universities, institutes of higher education (undergraduate or graduate) and these schools being recognized internationally in over 100 countries .
If you are an international student and do not have ISIC , you can buy at the authorized their country of origin agencies quickly and easily at minimal costway to do this you must present proof of study in force and a photo , delivery is almost immediate after being processed and approved.
Foreign students belonging to the Andean Community Colombia , Ecuador , Bolivia also enjoy this benefit carrying the ISIC and Identity .
A particular case is that of Peru . Peruvian students who do not have the ISIC also have discount ticket Machu Picchu , instead of ISIC must present your University Library force nationwide.
Remember the ISIC must be in effect at the time of the trip as be reviewed with your Ticket Machu Picchu and Passport or Identity Card in the control gate Inca Citadel of Machu Picchu.
To purchase your ticket Machu Picchu ISIC discount , you must contact us and send a scanned copy of your ISIC card to our e-mail

More info click here.

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